Friday, February 24, 2017

Opening Our Cloak of Invisibility

Do visits from your friends, whether in person or by phone, leave you feeling tired and downbeat, or do you feel enlivened and energized after you spend time with them?

This may seem a simple question, but think of how fundamental it is that our everyday interactions with people affect our overall energy level.

Good friends will cheer us on and encourage us. They explore a free exchange of dialogue and inspire the sharing of new ideas and deep desires. In these ways, they help motivate and support us in our efforts.

Then there are people who like to hang around with us, but when we finish with them, we feel like we need to take a nap, or we need to do something to sharply refocus our energy elsewhere. There are friends who make us feel like we wished we had spent our time doing something else.

Consider the energy exchange when we interact with people. Choose to spend more time with those who are uplifting and encouraging. They are good for your spirits, and excellent companions. True friends would probably report back that you have the same effect on them. Choose your friends carefully. In this way, we can help each other out through difficult times, and we can inspire each other to do more than just get by.

By simply withdrawing our energy, we can make ourselves invisible. Conversely, by projecting our energy outward, we can announce our presence and people are aware of us even before they see us.

If you have seen photos of auras, you see how the energy field surrounds the physical body like a halo. Another way to sense them is with dowsing rods. Ask a person to stand across the room from you and first, think a happy or loving thought and notice at what distance from them the rods move. Then ask them to think an unhappy, sad or disappointed mood. Then notice as you cross the room towards them where the rods start to move.

In most cases, happy and loving extends their field, and sad or disappointed will withdraw their field. So in this way, a person can move about invisibly if they wish, or grandly drawing attention to themselves if they wish.

There are a variety of ways to control the flow of energy and the way you maintain it around you. How and why you do that is up to you. The important thing to know is that conscious intent can shape perceptions.

Ideally then, we want to create and maintain relationships with those with whom we can exchange energy so that we benefit each other and then only deploy the cloak when there are negative energies around us. And the better the friends we have, the less we need the cloak.

And then consider this. When the people we have in our lives exchange good energy with us, how much more can we be? How much more can we do? The good energies we exchange with others lifts our spirits and enlightens our vision. The more conscious we are of this, the more our life changes for the better. You could say that we are unveiling ourselves for purposes of bringing our visions to life. 


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Fire that Burns Within Us

The greatest fires that burn within us are those fires that illuminate our spirit. It is the fire within us that lights our way and lets us see with our inner vision, the fire that describes our passion and our desire to create our future in the way we see it. 

We have heard the expression that someone has a burning passion. That passion expresses in romantic relationships, and it also expresses itself through us when we are doing work that we love, and it expresses through us when we are engaged in any activity that we love, whether it is a sport, hobby, a creative activity or things that we just enjoy doing because they are so much fun. Any of these activities or relationships that bring us joy stoke the fire in our life. 

There are fires for cleansing, fires for inspiration, fires for cooking, fires for gathering friends. Let us light all of these fires to purify ourselves, to heat our homes and to inspire our passions.

We light a candle to add atmosphere to our space. We write on a paper those things we want to eliminate from our life, whether it is a bad habit or goal we are going to let go of, a memory or thought process it is time to put to rest. We give them to the fire, so that as they symbollically go away, and their physical and mental hold on us is gone with the ashes into the fire.

When we expose our selves to heat like in a sauna or a sweat, we release our tensions, pains and fears into mother earth for recycling. As the sweat drips from us, so does the weight of the things we carry.

As we light our homes,the fire chases the cold away. There is nothing like the warmth of a home cooked meal on a cold evening to warm the spirits. Remember that laughter raises vibrations and lights creative fires the same as smiles on the faces of our guests when we are sharing good food, drink, music and the company of those we include in our life.

Our friends gather around all of these fires, and when we are out in the woods, around our campfires where we drum, dance, tell stories and sing. My current residence does not have a fireplace, but candles burning in the living room creates the same kind of ambiance as sitting around a campfire. Since the time of the cave people, we have enjoyed the hypnotic and warming effect of gathering around a fire. When I lived in places where I had a fireplace, I would have it going all fall and winter. Where I live now there is not a fireplace, but keeping candles burning in the living room can create that same kind of ambiance. The vibrations that are raised through laughter, the sharing of food, drink, playing and music are the same experience.

February 14 is Valentine's Day, which is one opportunity to express our fire. The origin of this day was the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was much more rowdy than today's expressions of sentiment with greeting cards and boxes of chocolates. So do not get lazy and stale. Think of ways to add the fires of inspiration to your relationship. The name of the month was Februarius to the Romans, and that was a month of cleansing, clearing away the debris that we are done with so that there is room for new growth in the spring. Use the fire in whatever ways inspire you to clear and renew.

Keep in touch with your inner fire. Keep feeding it fuel so that life is always fascinating and always inspiring. Focus your vision on your passions and see how much every aspect of life lights up. Our fire lights the way that keeps us on our path and illuminates aspects of the path that we may have been overlooking. 

In what ways do you want to change your life so that it becomes more aligned with your vision?

It is always fire that illuminates our life, the fire without and the fire within.

Sometimes it is useful to consult with a mentor to help tend and feed your fires so that your visions can be brought into focus more powerfully and then into reality. This is something I help people do. If you feel that this is something you want to explore, this is a good time to do it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Our fires light the way to our future.