Thursday, December 30, 2021

2022 is a 6 Year

2022 is a 6 Year
So what does that mean, that 2022 is a 6 year?
In numerology, a 6 year is a time of rebuilding, recreating and renewing what we want to renew and strengthening what we want to keep in our lives. That is true for people, things and events. By nurturing relations with all the people in our lives who we want to keep in our lives, we are able to solve problems and achieve goals. We form partnerships and teams with people to get things done, whether it is a formal contract or friend helping friend. We are bringing new friends into our lives who resonate with who we are now.
In the tarot, the 6 card is the Lovers. Last year was a year of 5, the card of the Hierophant, the key meaning being that we reexamined our spiritual beliefs and heartfelt values which led us to set new goals. During our 5 year, we let go of people and things in our quest for our new alignments and visions. That is reflected in the record number of people who decided to change the way they make their living and are starting their own businesses at the fastest pace in decades. Even though many of these changes have been stimulated by the changes due to covid, being resilient and rebounding from the setbacks grows from our optimistic perspective, motivation and inspiration.
For many, the pandemic simply stripped away a layer of consciousness. How many people were deeply desiring a change of direction, but had not yet taken any action in that direction, but then various cancellations, shutdowns and postponements catapulted people into action?
Are you familiar with the expression Stop worrying about what might go wrong and get more excited about what can go right?
So in this year of the Lovers, our key is use more of our conscious energy on the things we love to do.
Extend your vision beyond the romantic relationships. Six is about working with others to get things done, to accomplish goals. What happens when you love your work? You do it better. And you are happier doing it.
Do you love what you do for exercise? Many of us have changed what we do for activities or sports for our health and pleasure. Do you see yourself loving something else now, and so you are changing that aspect of your life?
What are the other things you love to do?
Who are the people you really love to have in your life? Are the people in your inner circle aligned with you? Do you feel that connection with them?
Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. Now think. Who are the people in your life who can help you make that happen?
Bottom line. This is a good year for new partnerships of all kinds, working together to create and build, perhaps in more creative ways than we have used before, and we are highly effective in achieving our goals. I welcome in that energy. How about you?
I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Reflect on the Gifts


Try this at home: Reflect on the Gifts
How have you been a gift to others?
How have others been a gift to you?
During this season which has a heavy commercial emphasis on gift giving, consider how we really are the gifts, not things.
Take out your journal or notebook to focus on how you have been a gift to other people, and how other people have been a gift in your life.
How did someone really help shape your path in life? How have you helped others with theirs?
Not talking about physical gifts, more of the other kinds of gifts, the spiritual, emotional or mental.
Does reflecting on any of this prompt any new ideas about what you want next? How will you move forward?
Is this a new way of looking at things for you? Seeing yourself as a gift to others? Seeing others as a gift to you?
The true gifts in our lives are not things bought in stores, it is our presence with each other.
There are all kinds of ways to do that.
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Moments of Light


Moments of Light
What is it about those happy moments when we have a fond memory of some person or event in our past? We are taking out an old photo and looking at it, but the photo only exists in our mind. Yet, somehow invokes that feeling of joy, pleasure, happiness, excitement finds a way to continue that feeling in our present moment where we are with different people, in a different situation.
How we celebrate our holidays now is different than the way we used to celebrate. Look back a century or more and there were beautiful songs that people used to sing before the wave of music that we grew up with. To get a taste of that, check out a show called Rocky Mountain Revels in Boulder. I have seen the show several times over the years, and it changes every year, when they mine a vein of old music, with this year's theme being old Celtic music, stories and dance that were seasonal favorites long ago. Like me, you might find yourself humming some of those old tunes more than the contemporary ones. Above is a picture from the Revels website.
If you are not able to get out there, another great example of that older style of holiday music is in a concert that Sting did in 2015, which you can see for free on You Tube. The concert is called A Winter's Night. As you might imagine, his concert features performances by a stellar group of musicians.
Below is a photo I took at the Denver Botanic Gardens Blossoms of Light Show. It is spectacular the way they light up the gardens for the holidays. It is another beautiful thing that we have now that did not exist when I was growing up. Now I see that other botanic gardens and around the country are also doing light shows at the holidays.
These entertainments are great for both adults and children. Revels includes people of all ages in its cast, and of course, people take kids to the Botanic Gardens.
I bring these events to your attention because you might enjoy some different seasonal celebrations.
Think about how else these different was of celebrating can light up our lives not just on the day we do it, but for many years after.
Moments of light that illuminate our lives contain more than we immediately recognize. Long after events have passed and we can't find the photos, the images and melodies that flash through our minds light up our moods and bring a smile to our face. Beyond the holidays, in other contexts, we can access these moments of light and joy when we need to give ourselves a little boost.

That is why at this time of year, it is easy for us to recall joyful seasonal images and feelings from our holiday celebrations of the past. Interestingly, when we recall earlier memories and then compare them to our present, where we find ourselves in a different world today.
We now have different ways of doing our business, we have different ways of celebrating our holidays. We have different ways of living.
In some of the old songs we rediscover heartfelt values, a bit of humor and lyrical beauty. When we let our imaginations go, we might dream up a whole new way to do our garden or our home. The lights show you the beauty of the botanic gardens in a whole different way than in the daylight. Creativity, joy and kindness light up our lives all year round. And all of this helps us to connect with spirit even more closely.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Appreciation of Energy


Appreciation of Energy
Reiki can be used on plants and animals as well as people.
When I am doing reiki with client, sometimes our dog, or a dog we are taking care of might come in the room and sit under the reiki table while I am working on the person. They love soaking in that energy. They always stay silent and lay or sit down. When I am working in the office by myself with no clients there, just doing emails or calls, the dogs will sometimes come in and just lay under the able in my office, basking in the energy of the room, and especially in the place where I do my healing work. It feels good when they respond to the reiki, seeing that it is working on the person and the dog at the same time.
Dogs are always kept out of my office when I am with a client, but sometimes the client likes the dog and wants to let it in and that can help a person release some tension, which contributes to the healing. Seeing the dogs respond to reiki is another affirmation of my work, because they are not coming in here for biscuits, they are coming in here for reiki energy.
This is just a pleasant observation, and at the same time, a clear demonstration about how our energy affects not only ourselves and other people, but also our place, and animals. When you change your energy, the energy of your place changes.
Then if you move some things around or change them out, you change the energy of your place too, so that it really feels nurturing to you and reflects your energy. Consider how this can be beneficial if you are changing your place because you ended an old relationship and want clear out the old energy and welcome in new energy with a new arrangement.
We create power spots in our homes by using them. If you were to measure with dowsing rods, you would easily see movement when you are by the chair where you like to sit, or the where you sleep or work. Your energy creates power spots. So when you rearrange, you change the energy of your self and your place.
I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Tuning Up Our Energy Body


Tuning Up Our Energy Body
What is this energy that enlivens us and animates our basic life force?
The energy map of our body is often described with words like chakras and auras. The most commonly accepted concept is that of 7 chakras or energy centers. The word chakra means wheel. A simpler term could simply be our power centers. We need to keep our wheels turning.
When we look at how these chakras are aligned, they follow the path of our spine, from root to crown, from the tip of our tailbone to the top of our head. As we follow this map, we see the energy centers overlay all our vital organs.
Ideally we want to see all of our energy centers clear with the energy flowing smooth and steady through them. That is why energy clearing and healing works so well with physical healing.
The more we can connect with those energies the more powerful and alive we are. Often physical discomforts connect with metaphysical discomforts. Example. If a person is experiencing communication blockages, they may have a discomfort in the throat. If a person is suffering low self confidence, they may be experiencing discomfort in their digestion, which is the location of the solar plexus. People who have too much monkey mind may be having headaches and nervousness. Restoring the smooth energy flow brings calmness.
Quieting the monkey mind, all that chaotic chatter and worry allows all the energies of your physical body to flow freely and work properly. Of course, sometimes we need surgeries and prescriptions, but notice how when your mind is calm, you do not have so many problems with headaches, nervousness and digestion. Clear energy flow helps everything flow more smoothly. Calming a person with energy clearing can also help prepare for surgeries and recover from surgeries. That is a reason why some hospitals have encouraged nurses, therapists and caregivers to learn about energy work to combine with their other skills.
We light up as a person when all of our energies are running smoothly. When this is the case, we see the person glowing with joy, full of energy, acting on purpose.
Consider how your energies work when you are in a relationship. We all get into relationships because we are attracted to the other person. When that happens we are connected at some of our energy centers, usually heart and sex.
Now imagine if you are fully engaged at all 7 energy centers! Wow!
How powerful and fulfilling would your relationship be if you are connected with your partner not only romantically and sexually, but also connected in the centers of the mind, psychic and spiritual energies? What if you are helping each other boost your self esteem, helping each other on your path to your right livelihood? What if you are connected in all these ways, in addition to the romance and physical attraction. How powerful would your relationship be? It is possible when all of your energy channels are unblocked.
Our energy systems are a key to us having a happy healthy life. That is one of the reasons why I love doing this kind of work. I did not always know about this earlier in my life, but once I did, I was happy I knew about it.
Many years ago I had a heart attack and energy work helped me recover from the surgery. This is one of the experiences that taught me.
So the more aware we are of energies and how to use them, the better.
I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Make an altar for the people you know who have died this past year.


Try this at home: Make an altar for the people you know who died this past year.

Because of all the covid deaths during the last year, no doubt a number of you will get some peace from making an altar and doing a ritual.

Every year at this time, the are two holidays from two different cultures, the Mexican Day of the Dead and the Irish Samhain, which we now call Halloween. I have always thought it was fascinating that these two different cultures chose the same day of the year to celebrate this tradition. Two cultures who had no ancient history together.

The spiritual traditions behind these holidays is simple, yet powerful. We set up a table on which we place photos and things that remind us of those people we knew who died this year, what we appreciated about them and why they were important in our life.

In the Mexican tradition, a plate of their favorite food is placed on the table. In the Irish tradition it is called the dumb supper, where a plate of food is placed on the same table where the family is having dinner.

In both traditions, stories are told about those people, and if they had favorite songs or music, that is sung or played.

Both traditions offer the loved one a last meal of their favorite food and drink and the remembrance of their friends and family wishing them well on their journey into the next world.

Your altar can include a pet that died this year.

Your altar can also include some person who you did not know personally, but whose work influenced you. I have seen altars for Dr. Seuss, Selena, and the Twin Towers of 9/11. I remember when some of my favorite authors like Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut and Raymond Buckland died.

That makes sense because our favorite authors, artists, actors, musicians, athletes and other cultural stars were a part of our life through their work and our favorites often are significant influences on us.

You can also make an altar for someone who died a long time ago, who you would like to do a memorial for.

I know that this is a powerful simple ritual we can do to honor those we knew. Doing so provides us a powerful life lesson about what and who we really value.

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