Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Keeping Our Balance


Keeping Our Balance

A constant challenge for all of us is to keep balance in our lives and it is easy to lose our way at times, so take the time at this time of year to consider ways to do that. An example is knowing how to schedule work so that we still have time left to nurture our relationships with family and friends plus have time and energy for hobbies, sports or activities that we enjoy.

Joy is a critical ingredient in a good life, and we find it dancing on balance of the scales. Scales are an easy thing for us to visualize and keeping that visual in mind, we think about whether we should accept or decline more work right now so that we have time for these other important parts of our life. This image is the Justice card from the Light Seer's Tarot.

Certainly keeping balance can be more difficult for some people if you are in a job that requires you to be available for emergency calls or shifts. Still, we all have time to make some choices in life and do the best we can.

In my life and practice, I am always conscious of devoting enough time to do my best work, and some time for going to the gym, laundry, shopping and visiting with friends.

What is different now than in the past is that I set up my business to be available for clients first, and second to do other things.

When I worked for corporations, we kept office hours, then took care of personal things after those hours. So now is the reverse, not based around keeping the same hours every day. I work when people need me to work. Usually people come to me, but in some cases I go to them.

Because over the years many clients have requested evening or weekend appointments because of their schedules, I gladly do this for them because it is all the same to me if I go to the gym in the afternoon and see clients in the evening, or workout on the weekdays in order to see clients on weekends. I feel good about arranging things that way, and I feel a good overall flow of energies in my life. Changing to a new mindset can be challenging when we are making changes, but when we create a new model, it flows smoother.

Balance causes one person to choose to work from a home office while another chooses to have an office away from the home. We each have to find the ways that work best for us.

I like how the artist shows how we are balancing the light and dark aspects of life. Justice is about balance. When something is wrong, we make corrections to make it right again. Personally, we are bringing balance back into our life when we settle old debts, clear up old business and bring resolution to conflicts in our life. That also helps us keep our balance in life.

Light and dark is the major theme and turning point in the year that we are celebrating at the Fall Equinox. On this day, we have an equal amount of light and dark in the day. After this day, the scale tips and we get more darkness in our days until Yule, the longest night of the year, when the light returns. Then on the Spring Equinox, there is a day of balance between light & dark again, this time with the scales tipping toward more light in our days until we reach the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year.

Dark is not a negative connotation here. This part of the year, when it is cold and dark, is the time when we bring light into our life by putting on the most heartfelt celebrations of the year, when we bring light into the dark season by inviting family and friends over to share celebrations with us. There are no more powerful, emotionally charged holidays in our year than Halloween/Samhain/Day of the Dead, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Yule/Winter Solstice, and New Year's Eve.

There is a richness in the dark time of the year in another way. We all need time to study and practice subjects or activities we want to learn, reflect on our past experiences and draw the wisdom from them, and create new visions and align ourselves with the people who will be important to us in our next phase of life. By having this dark time to study and reflect, we are better prepared to take on the next level of challenges in our life.

So feel how the energies need to be balanced, and then decide what actions you will take to do that.

These holiday celebrations will also reveal the people we want to be more aligned with in the coming seasons.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

Have a wonderful day!