Friday, March 27, 2020

My 2 cents & 2 hearts in this epic time

My 2 cents & 2 hearts in this epic time
During this period of limited social activity, I have been making good use of the time to complete my taxes, the census, read some books that I have been meaning to get to for a while, getting familiar with a couple new decks that you will see when I see you, doing Skype sessions with some of you, and taking walks around the neighborhood for exercise.

Fresh air and sunshine are excellent tools to help cleanse us and heal us. Lots of people are out walking dogs, or just walking or running and generally everyone will smile and say hello or wave, so there seems to be good spirits among those I have met. It seems that because this is one of the few ways we can get exercise, apart from doing exercises inside your home.

Anyway, while we were walking, we noticed that there were signs of spring all around. Birds singing, green buds and sprouts shooting up from the ground and tree and shrub branches. Of course, keeping eyes and ears open for signs from spirit is another good thing to do while walking.

So in this photo, you see two heart shaped stones that I found. I always think of this as a sign of luck and love. So when I was setting these on a picnic bench to take the picture, I found 2 shiny new pennies laying on the ground by the table. Finding pennies is also a good luck symbol. Interestingly, even though pennies are the smallest denomination of currency, in the Chinese art of Feng Shui, copper and pennies go in the area of your house that signifies wealth. One important thing that copper does is to conduct electricity. The ancient sages that came up with this probably had a sense that copper conducts energy. And there is that home remedy using copper. People have long worn copper bracelets to help with health, arthritis and pain. So these were excellent symbols to find.

Then it immediately struck me what I should write about, putting in my 2 cents, and the two hearts, about being aware of all the love all around. And when you add the 2 hearts + the 2 pennies you get 4, which is the number of this year, in terms of numerology.

I have confidence in our scientists and health care professionals that they will find solutions to this epidemic as they have for all the others we have encountered in recent years.

Meanwhile, we do our part with not having public events, washing our hands and social distancing. And eat healthy, go for walks and take time to read, study and practice things we want to learn now that we have time.

Keeping out minds in a positive thinking mode may take extra energy right now, but we can do it. If you would like ideas about ways to do that, we can discuss it in your session.

There will probably be other positive lessons that come out of all this. People will become more aware of how dependent we are on each other, and how good it feels to help others. We may also gain a renewed appreciation of simple home cooking and a greater awareness of our environment. And also spending time deciding what things we want to clean out and let go of while deciding what things we want to make more time for.



So now that we have new rules because of the virus, and all public events have been cancelled, I have been working on some new ways to keep working.

Working from home in my home office, I am available for calls via Skype, Facebook Messenger, or cell. I have an Android phone & computer so I cannot use Face Time, because you have to use Apple products to do that.

First of all, because I realize that many of you may be in the situation of having had your business shut down, I will happily work out a discounted price for anyone who is in a tight financial situation. So if you feel that I can help you and you would like to have a session, price will be no obstacle.

Second, my schedule is flexible to accommodate all of you. Appointments are available days, evenings and weekends. I have been doing this for years so that scheduling will present no obstacle for you.

Another option I am exploring is Zoom for meetings or classes. I am thinking of this as a way to work with groups. Individual consultations can be done on Skype, cell or Facebook Messenger.

If any of you use Zoom and would be interested in trying to do a meeting that way, let me know. Since I am on the learning curve with this, the first couple of meetings will be FREE. The first few times we try this would be tests to see how this works and if we like using it. It would be good to know if you have any interest in this.

Someone else suggested doing readings or classes on You Tube, but I have never created a You Tube Channel and do not know how that works. If you do this and have any suggestions about it, I would be open to your feedback.

So in the case of these new tools, any feedback you would care to offer will be appreciated.

You can find more special offers on my website  

Monday, March 2, 2020

Where our thoughts go, our energy goes

This month's full moon is called the Seed Moon because in much of the world, this is the time people choose seeds and get them ready for planting, starting some of them for placement in this season's garden. So, of course, if we are not planting a garden, we still are planting seeds of growth in other areas of our life.

* Looking for a new place to live?
* Thinking about changing careers?
* Thinking about starting a new business?
* Considering beginning or ending a relationship?
* Considering changing your exercise or workout routine?
* Considering changing your diet?
* Thinking about beginning a new activity or hobby?
* Planning for a trip?
* Or trying to schedule one in?
* Thinking about taking a course or workshop?
* Looking for a mentor?

Each of these is an example of seeds that we are planning on planting and nurturing into growth. Ask yourself how you feel relative to these seeds? How do you feel about them mentally? Spiritually? Emotionally? Physically? Are you in alignment on all levels about these plantings?

And gardening requires constant attention in order to produce the best results. We clear and turn the soil. Amend it where needed. We plant the seeds and water them. Then there is the weeding and pruning and pinching off flowers. Then harvesting.

Similarly, the other seeds we are planting require constant attention. First and foremost is focusing our thoughts on our goals. If we think we can do something, we are on the way to making it happen. If we think we can't, then we stop ourselves.

People who achieve goals that are important to them, goals that are clear and are desired passionately, are always focusing thoughts on that goal. It is common for most of us to have bouts of monkey mind, so we often have to correct ourselves to stay on course. I am very diligent in my daily practice of gratitude, yet still, I still get off track once in a while and need to shift my thoughts. What I have noticed is that every time I can do that, the renewed attention stirs up some action.

Take note. What do I choose to give my attention to? What kinds of results am I getting? Need help staying on track? Need help clarifying the changes you want? Remember, your clear vision is your first step toward getting to your goal. When you are clear in stating your intentions, appropriate steps become visible.


Time for the next chapter for me. I am looking for new living and working arrangements and will consider all options that are presented to me. I have no deadline and it is not an emergency, just something I would like to do this year. I am grateful for whoever will be contacting me. As always, I know that who ever contacts me is guided by spirit.

Thank you!


Any time any one of you contacts me, it really helps make my day whether you want to make an appointment or just to keep in touch and let me know how you are doing. I like hearing your stories of what has been happening since the last time we met. And of course, I am always ready to help with what is next. Let this note help make your day. I love you.
If you have any questions about my services, please ask.

You can find more special offers on my website