What is this energy that enlivens us and animates our basic life force?
The energy map of our body is often described with words like chakras and auras. The most commonly accepted concept is that of 7 chakras or energy centers. The word chakra means wheel. A simpler term could simply be our power centers. We need to keep our wheels turning.
When we look at how these chakras are aligned, they follow the path of our spine, from root to crown, from the tip of our tailbone to the top of our head. As we follow this map, we see the energy centers overlay all our vital organs.
Ideally we want to see all of our energy centers clear with the energy flowing smooth and steady through them. That is why energy clearing and healing works so well with physical healing.
The more we can connect with those energies the more powerful and alive we are. Often physical discomforts connect with metaphysical discomforts. Example. If a person is experiencing communication blockages, they may have a discomfort in the throat. If a person is suffering low self confidence, they may be experiencing discomfort in their digestion, which is the location of the solar plexus. People who have too much monkey mind may be having headaches and nervousness. Restoring the smooth energy flow brings calmness.
Quieting the monkey mind, all that chaotic chatter and worry allows all the energies of your physical body to flow freely and work properly. Of course, sometimes we need surgeries and prescriptions, but notice how when your mind is calm, you do not have so many problems with headaches, nervousness and digestion. Clear energy flow helps everything flow more smoothly. Calming a person with energy clearing can also help prepare for surgeries and recover from surgeries. That is a reason why some hospitals have encouraged nurses, therapists and caregivers to learn about energy work to combine with their other skills.
We light up as a person when all of our energies are running smoothly. When this is the case, we see the person glowing with joy, full of energy, acting on purpose.
Consider how your energies work when you are in a relationship. We all get into relationships because we are attracted to the other person. When that happens we are connected at some of our energy centers, usually heart and sex.
Now imagine if you are fully engaged at all 7 energy centers! Wow!
How powerful and fulfilling would your relationship be if you are connected with your partner not only romantically and sexually, but also connected in the centers of the mind, psychic and spiritual energies? What if you are helping each other boost your self esteem, helping each other on your path to your right livelihood? What if you are connected in all these ways, in addition to the romance and physical attraction. How powerful would your relationship be? It is possible when all of your energy channels are unblocked.
Our energy systems are a key to us having a happy healthy life. That is one of the reasons why I love doing this kind of work. I did not always know about this earlier in my life, but once I did, I was happy I knew about it.
Many years ago I had a heart attack and energy work helped me recover from the surgery. This is one of the experiences that taught me.
So the more aware we are of energies and how to use them, the better.
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Have a wonderful day!
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