Tuesday, May 3, 2022



We have all heard the expression that there are no accidents. Another term for that idea is synchronicity. Sometimes we are more aware of how that is working our lives than others. The more aware we are of synchronicity, the more successful we are in achieving our goals.
There are common experiences which many of us are familiar with, such as having a friend call while you are thinking about them. Or you and a friend have the same idea at the same time.
Sometimes in my practice, it will happen that one person needs to change their appointment and right after they call, someone else calls to ask if I have any appointments available today. Do you think that spirit meant for that person to see me?
How about when a kitchen appliance breaks down and you need to replace it and all of a sudden you get to the store and they have one left, the kind you need, and it is the only one on the shelf?
Carl Jung, the pioneering psychiatrist, coined the term synchronicity. He noted that there are always patterns in life, but we do not always recognize them. So he used tarot, astrology and I Ching among other tools to help recognize patterns.
Consider how it happens that we randomly shuffle a deck, then when we select cards from the deck those cards address what was on our mind at the time. I think we can also regard synchronicity as guidance from spirit.
Synchronicity is a symbol of alignment. When you are asking someone to help you with something and they say yes, you have alignment. If you are thinking about changing jobs and suddenly a friend mentions something to you about exactly that. Or you are checking your email and find an article about that thing you were thinking about. When this happens, you are aligned with spirit. In other words, spirit is affirming that your choice is on track with what is good for you.
Or you ask for a sign about this decision you are making while you are taking a walk and you see a shape in the clouds or a tree branch that signals to you. Or your favorite bird or animal crosses your path at that moment.
People who have a close connection often find themselves in sync when they get the same idea at the same time.
In this crazy time we have been living in, some people really wanted to change their work, whether it was working from home or changing careers. For many, the interruptions of covid helped them get what they wanted. I am certainly aware that this was also a painful time for many. My point is simply that disasters, losses and painful events can also give birth to positive developments. What is in sync for one person is not necessarily in sync for another. We each need to recognize what alignment works best for us.
Pay attention to synchronicity as guidance from spirit. Lots of people notice signs in numbers, whether it is noticing time on a clock, date on a calendar, a price, a birth date or weight. Have you ever noticed when you are shopping for produce how you might decide to pick up 3 of these or 4 of those, not because you are precisely following a recipe, but because you just had a feeling it would be good to pick those numbers of those things?
Synchronicity always brings with it life lessons. Why is it that we get signs when it is time to begin or end a relationship, job, exercise or diet, and other major life decisions? These other changes may be happening because spirit wants us to meet new people or change our habits. Spirit may be opening the way for us to learn new things. In business, for example, spirit could move us into a position where we have to learn to manage other people, but for others, the lesson may be to to learn to work independently.
Many years ago I had a heart attack, which these days they refer to as an event, which I find kind of humorous term. It certainly was an event. That event made me change my health habits and that is why I am still here without having more of those events. Coincidence? No. Spirit gave me a sign and I got it. People who do not change their habits after an event have more events.
Remember, where your thoughts go, your energy goes. Make the correlation between those synchronicites and where your attention was focused. Synchronicity, from this perspective, would be spirit answering your call and sometimes we are surprised at how they answer. People who make notes of their own dreams find synchronicities between their dreams and developments in their lives.
It is no accident that we met, and it is no accident that you are getting this newsletter. Think about it.
I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!

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