The Fool is a character of courage and adventure as well as wisdom and humor. Did you ever think of it that way?
Here we are in the season of the April Fool once again. What part does the fool play in our life? Are you feeling a calling to try something new? Are you feeling inspired to go somewhere, whether it is hopping on a plane to distant vacation, or a short ride to a nearby concert venue?
Or perhaps trying a new activity like tai chi, yoga, or zumba? Or is it some new method of meditation or energy healing that is calling to you?
Remember that often when we are traveling both in our inner and outer worlds, others may perceive us as foolish because they do not see things the way we do. That is not the same as making a stupid mistake. Life's journey may be leading us to let go of previous choices to choose again.
Trying something challenging always requires a lot of heart and sometimes laughter and silliness is the best way to relieve tension.
Another way of approaching change is to see our self as someone who is trying on different masks, different costumes to see what fits. When we find new personas that fit us well, we often find that others may not recognize or relate to the new person we have become. So who is the foolish one? When we let go and see the world with new eyes, our experience of the world changes.
One version of the origin of April Fool's Day is that is about Mother Nature fooling us with unpredictable weather.
Interestingly, until the mid 16th century the year began with the Spring Equinox, until the church changed the calendar and began the new year January 1. People who still kept the spring date were thought to be foolish.
Ancient Romans had a holiday called Hilaria (yes, the root of the word hilarious) when people dressed in disguises and mocked fellow citizens.
We have always sought ways to use humor to lighten up on the stresses we face in life.
Yes, we have double layers of meaning here. It is about playing tricks, making mischief and spreading contagious laughter.
And it is also about trying new things, changing our habits, changing our path, trying on a new image or attitude.
Remember, back in the days of the royal courts, the jester could get away with telling truths that other people could not speak out loud. He could get away with this where no one else could because the truths were always wrapped in humor.
Whatever significance you like to attach to it, it is a great day to have fun. Put a little freshness in your life, and see how fun it can be to be foolish. It is a great day to fool around!
The Fool cards above are from the Elemental Wisdom Tarot, The Light Seers Tarot and the Marchetti Tarot.
I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!
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