Saturday, February 10, 2024

Are you Masterminding?


Are you Masterminding?

What is Masterminding?

Napoleon Hill, the author who first published this concept, defines it this way: The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony.

Maintaining harmonious relationships with all the members of your group is one bedrock principle.

Another is that members help each other and encourage each other to accomplish their goals. Members of a group not only wish each other well, they do what they can to help each other.

Mastermind groups include brainstorming and accountability. Members encourage each other to set clear goals and be successful in this quest.

With such obvious positives, why would a person not want to be in one?

Look at the magic of transforming fear into cooperation!

Note that a group can be as few as two people, or if you prefer, a larger number. And since the first cardinal rule would be to select the people you want to work with so that you can keep harmonious relations with everyone in your group.

A key element here would be to form your own group, rather than join someone else's, unless you know all the other people in the group and can maintain harmonious energy with all off them.

This is a key component. The group energy supports each member, so when members do not get along, it breaks the flow of energy.

Of course, in the big picture, there is competition, however when you assemble a circle of people who believe in cooperation, you are operating with a different mindset, and you feel supported and encouraged with more energy from your group.

We can reduce the fear in our business relationships when we see the world as an abundant place, with enough here for all of us to have successful businesses. We can reduce the fear and stress of creating and building our business by having our own Mastermind group, which keeps our focus on positive energy.

Hill first put Materminding out there in 1925, in his book The Law of Success and then went into it in more depth in Think and Grow Rich. So this concept is now 100 years old. Many people have used these techniques to create and build a successful business.

Many years ago, one of my mentors suggested that I read this book and I found it to be fascinating and full of good ideas. You might be doing something like this without calling it Masterminding. Like attracts like and when we are launching a new enterprise or expanding on an existing one, the energy can be thought of as a battery that we can call on when we need a boost.

Sometimes our family or friends might not be supportive of our new business, so we need to create another avenue or channel through which we can find more supportive energy.

The book has aged well. It has been in print since 1937, and many modern teachers incorporate Hill's ideas into their work.

This updated version contains more modern examples, all of which serves to confirm that many of these ideas and techniques are still valid even though many big changes have taken place in business.

Even though this book was written before the Internet was even an idea, the ideas blend well with the new technologies, while at the same time encouraging us to develop meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships with others.

Masterminding is a powerful tool to help us achieve our goals and anyone can do it. Does this give you any new ideas?

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

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