Monday, January 17, 2022

A Heart Shaped World


A Heart Shaped World
First, I begin today with a note of gratitude and good news. Many people are raising their prices this year for a variety of reasons and so rising prices are a concern for many.
My gift to you is simply this. I am not raising my prices. I am happy, healthy and because of all of you I am working and that is most important because I love the work I do with all of you. So you can continue to see me for the same price. I appreciate working with each and every one of you. Your respect, kindness and generosity have been heart warming and greatly appreciated during this crazy time we are living in.
In case you are wondering, the photo above is of heart shaped rocks and others that just feel pleasant to the touch that I find while walking. So I like finding heart shaped stones as tokens of love from the universe.
Second, if I were going to lay stones on a person as a part of a healing, they are what I would use. Mostly when you meet people using stones in healing you see a lot of polished rocks, but I feel that the heart shaped rocks I find while walking will convey the healing energies even better than polished stones. They stay put better too.
Often, tragedies and challenges bring us opportunities. Millions of people are making significant changes in how they will make their money, and while some are not happy that things changed, others are bubbling with joy. So although the pandemic shutdowns and restrictions were hard stops that caused us to shift gears, these caused many of us to reevaluate and make new choices.
For myself, having the gym closed for a while was difficult, so I took walks with the dogs as a way to get some exercise, rather than buy exercise equipment for the home. I am wearing a mask to the gym because those are the rules. My preference would be not to, but getting exercise is an important part of staying healthy.
I did not buy groceries from Amazon. Shopping at local stores is what we still do, and we also have dairy delivered by Longmont Dairy and we have bought produce and more from Miller Farms and Ollin Farms. These are good people with good products. There are other excellent farms and dairies of course, and buying local directly supports local farmers. So that was a positive development.
The activity slowest to come back for me is music and dance. Masks interfere with dances that have partners for example, causing cancellations of that fun, and I have not yet felt like wearing a mask to an evening at the symphony. Depending on how long it takes for all of this to wind down, I might wear a mask to a concert because I love music, but I will wait a bit longer to see when the rules will change.
At the beginning of covid I thought this would be like flu, but obviously it turned much more lethal and widespread. So now it does look like when it winds down that we will be treating it like flu, getting boosters to protect us from variants that will develop every year.
One of the changes to my business was that in years past, I did a lot of expos and fairs. At the outset, all were cancelled, so as we pick up the pieces and regroup, I decided to leave most of them off my schedule, only doing a handful that work well for me, for a total of seven per year. There were years past when I had events like that on my schedule every month, as many as 24 or more a year. From 24 to 7 is a big shift, but it has worked well for me. Those were an important way for me to get started when I moved out here and they could still be good for others.
Since public events were shut down, I decided that the best thing for me to do was focus solely on my private appointments and private bookings. I see people individually in my office plus I do parties in homes and businesses. Those were gone for a while too, now they are coming back.
And as I mentioned above, I thought about raising prices, but decided not to. I love who I am and I love what I do. And what I love is working with you.
Anyone who can say that they love who they are and they love what they do is in the right place.
So I definitely feel that this will be a better year for all of us. This is a great year to create and rebuild. A time for forming new relationships. That was another important aspect of these crazy times too.
During this crisis, we found out which people kept in touch and were helpful. Some dropped off the radar and then I made some new friends. Others totally surprised me by popping up after years.
What was most amazing to me were the people who let me know that they appreciated what I had done for them, and I did not know that it meant that much to them. That happens when you see a lot of people in your practice. In my practice, and I am certain this happens to other professionals too, there are clients who keep in touch and there are others who you never hear from again. So when some resurfaced and let me know how much my services meant to them, it was an awakening for me.
I was thunderstruck at how some people showed care and kindness because these were not people who I expected anything from, which is a lesson that reminded me to shift my awareness and perception.
These interactions with people absolutely colored my perception and prompted me to refocus my business and keep offering my services to you at the same price as before. I am grateful for everything that happened.
Thank all of you for everything!
I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!

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