Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mystery of Mysteries

The enduring popularity of mysteries is as simple. We want to know why things happen and how things happen. Of course, at the end of it all, we may never know how or why things happen, although people like stories that wrap up neatly at the end.

We might not know why someone killed someone else. Was it a plot? Did the person just have a nervous breakdown and snap? Was the person simply amoral and killed for fun? Did they plan to do what they did, or was it just a crime of opportunity?

Were the people who stole other people's money through fraudulent scams simply looking for a way to get rich without working? Were they insecure people who wanted to become famous by committing big crimes? Did they think that amassing wealth would catapult them into a better or more important place in the world, no matter how they got their money? Or did they simply stumble into a loophole that they kept working until they got caught?

Of course, even in crime novels, just like in real life, the bad guys get away and the good people are not compensated and do not find that everything has worked out well for them. Then again, in some stories they do.

The mysteries of life are just as complex and confounding. Many of us have questions about why we were born into this time, into this family, into this place. And we may or may not get answers to these questions.

We may wonder what happens after we die, but all we have are anecdotal stories from near death survivors. All the rest is simply belief. Whether we prefer to think of the afterlife in terms of heaven and hell, Valhalla, the Summerlands rr reincarnation, we will not know if any of this is true until we get there.

The mysteries of what we are doing here and what kind of relationship we have with spirit are harder to unravel than why somebody committed a crime or how they did it. We love mysteries and that is why a person can always have a popular radio or TV show about psychic phenomena, ghosts, ESP, UFOs or ancient civilizations. We love to try and figure these things out. Even if we ultimately cannot, everyone loves a good story.

There is no culture on earth that does not have stories or mysteries. From creation stories and mythology, to ideas about heroes and their quests to what happens after we die, we have always had a hunger for stories. It is part of being human.

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