Friday, December 11, 2009

Comfort, Humility, Quiet Moments

Comfort, comfrey, comfort. As I read over all the wonderful feedback and testimonials from people who have used the comfrey/reiki salve I made, there is a very satisfying feeling of having done something well and worthwhile. Observing all the ways it has done good for people, the word comfort comes to mind. Comfrey, comfort.

Herbs have a way of comforting while they impart their magic and healing. Feel the warmth radiate through your body as you sip a cup of hot tea on a cold night. Inhale the fragrance when you open the door and return home and the lingering scent of incense greets you. Feel the sensuous joy of a bath with Epsom salts and herbs as they saturate your body and you drift in the water, melting away pain and stress. Taste how good food is by simply adding a few herbs while it is cooking. With the addition of a few pinches of well chosen herbs, vegetables and meat go from being simply fuel to exotic palate pleasers. Plants have always been good companions to us, and all we have to do is learn how to use them. Of course, they also add to the visual beauty of our surroundings when we have a few houseplants in places where we see them as we sit and rest or entertain.

Comfort from the plants imparts a spirit to our place, to our life, adding quality in a quiet way.

There is another quiet sense that comes to me when I go to the recreation center. It is a sense of humility. I am exercising for my health. There are some people who work out just to look good. They put in many hours sculpting six pack abs and big biceps.

For myself, I simply walk and swim and perhaps from time to time do a little on an elliptical or weight resistance machine. I find that I have more energy and uplifted spirits after exercising.

I notice something else. There are other people who are making an effort because they are also fighting for their health. I smile and make eye contact with others who are making an effort to work with their body. Some people have a longer way to go than others in order to reach their goals, but everyone who is out here doing something is to be commended.

It is also an exercise in humility when you have to work your way back into fitness and good health. We have to use an act of will to come back from our habits that let us become too heavy or recover from surgery or reenergize and reshape ourselves. And sometimes it takes a while to notice the improvements.

In this way, it feels good to be quiet and keep moving, doing what it takes to achieve our goals. Working in this quiet state brings me a feeling of humility and a different consciousness, and these quiet moments are full of life.

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