Sunday, August 3, 2008


Big enough to be seen while driving by, wild sunflowers are a visual gift. The very sight of them makes me happy.

As I drive down the road to my day job, I see them. The mountains are always a backdrop to all this, and they are majestic, but the little sunflowers on either side of the road are the bright spots that seem to smile and say "good day" to all who pass.

Perhaps they stand out more now because of a shift in consciousness on my part. I used to not like my day job that much because it was not in my field and only offers modest compensation.

Over time, I have come to accept that I need to simply be grateful for having this source of income until other opportunities open up. I have learned to do the job well, and who knows how long I will be there, so I simply thank the universe for providing this stream of income, and just keep doing what I need to do.

My field keeps shifting. Once I decided that everything is alright, and simply stay in the present with doing the job, then I seemed to notice more sunflowers everywhere.

When clients come to me for healings, readings, and classes in the evenings and weekends, it is another form of pleasure that comes from the work.

Sometimes the shift in consciousness is simply to accept the present, and feel the smiles from all the sunflowers.

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