Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Fireside Chats


Fireside Chats

See the dragons coming out to play in the fire? Maybe you see the chess piece, the knight, which looks like a horse. Maybe you see a witch with a pointy hat with her arms raised. Maybe you see a person with a walking stick and their dog is laying by their feet. Whole stories can unfold with the flickering of the flames. Each time a log is turned, a different picture is formed.

After we get a fire going in the fireplace, the fire is our friend. It warms us and lights our vision. I like to meditate with the fire.

When fire is out of control, it destroys, but when it is contained in a stove or fireplace, we create. We cook, we warm ourselves, we appreciate the gift of the element of fire. Enjoying peaceful moments just gazing at the fire is a great way to relax. It is when we relax that spirit likes to plant new ideas in our mind.

Relaxing in a way that lets our mind drift brings us into a meditative state. There are many ways to meditate, and this is one of them.

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, used to get up and take walks while he was working out his ideas. Yes, visionary technology arose from simply talking walks and talking about it.

Now that trees are letting go of leaves we can see farther in the woods. Like trees, when we let go of some old ideas, or old perspectives, we can see more.

Simply taking a walk can help us stimulate our mind, get new ideas. Fresh air and simple, natural movements bring fresh thoughts.

The spirit of the season brings thoughts of trees, colorful leaves, sitting my the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea. The spirit of the season brings clarity.

The spirit of the season is about savoring the joy of the harvest, the warmth of the fire, the simple pleasure of taking a walk and admiring the natural changes we see all around us. We are in the season of leaf peepers and pumpkin pie flavors.

Yes, I love watching the leaves turn color, and I prefer my pumpkin pie flavor to stay in my pumpkin pie, thank you, not my coffee or beer. Amazing how many things are now made to taste like pumpkin pie. I know that a lot of other people like it or they wouldn't be making it, and that's ok. Pumpkins are fine with me. I enjoy eating it just like other winter squashes, baked, and served with butter and salt.

In these ways, I am a person of simple tastes.

If you are a person who thinks of themselves as having a hard time meditating, try these things and see how it works for you.

Savor the season with a walk in the day and a fireside chat in the evening.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hidden in Plain Sight


Hidden in Plain Sight

How many times have we not been able to find something because it is hidden in plain sight?

A great example is a deck of regular playing cards. Many people over time have used playing cards to do readings, yet, someone looking around their house would not see any sign of a person doing readings. They would simply see a deck of playing cards.

How many times have I looked for something and couldn't find it, yet, when I went back again, there it is, in a place where I had looked and missed it. It happens when we are stressed and worried. Slow down, take a deep breath to calm, and there it is.

How many times has that happened to you?

Now shift your vision to looking for a new job. Are you boxed in to looking in places you have looked before and not checked out new possibilities?

Have you overlooked talking to people you know because you assumed that they could not help? Maybe they can't employ you, but they might know someone else who can? You won't find out unless you talk to them.

Maybe there are new ways to make money that you have overlooked. How many people now are making some or all of their money selling on Etsy, Kickstarter, Ebay, Amazon, Patreon or other sites?

How many people are working remotely, using Google Meet or Zoom to do consultations, or contributing to online sites or podcasts?

Notice how when we first step out into the yard when it is dark and there are no lights on, that at first, we see nothing, but after our eyes adjust for a few minutes, we can see, and even in the dark, we can identify the outline of a tree, fence, birdbath or plants. Our eyes just need time to adjust.

Patience reveals what is present to us. In order to recognize things that are hidden in plain sight, we need to learn to see differently.

When it is dark, if we simply pause for a few moments, we can see what the dark is hiding. When we are digging through drawers or cabinets looking for that item that we need right now, relaxing and remembering the last time we had it may lead us to uncover it.

Likewise, how we look at our thoughts and how they color our perceptions of various subjects, patience, and a willingness to adjust to a different perspective can help us see our way through those areas of darkness as well. Darker aspects of our selves that influence some of our choices are often hidden in plain sight.

When we learn how to see more clearly, the darkness lifts as we let more light in.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Our Balancing Act


Our Balancing Act

Every September brings us the Autumn (Fall) Equinox, which is one of the two days a year when day and night are of equal duration, the other being, of course, Vernal (Spring) Equinox. Each signals a shift when the balance tips, with fall bringing more dark night hours, while spring brings more daylight hours.

Symbolically, it is a great reminder for us about keeping the balance in our life. This is a great challenge for many of us. It is worth it to set aside time to engage in a hobby, go to the gym, meditate, journal, or just go out to hear some music or other entertainment.

Why is that important? I find that by setting aside some time for these things helps me be more clear and energized for doing my work.

Ask yourself if you are doing what you need to do to keep your balance. If you have a partner, do you have time to reconnect with them each day, or are you always working?

Do you find yourself saying that you would like to do some art or music or something but you never have time for that? When will it be time to make time?

In the course of a year, there are some very heavy work times when my schedule is full, and so of course there are some days when I don't have time to work out or go to a concert, like on expo weekends, but those are the exceptions, not the rule.

Where, in your life, do you need to find balance?

Finding the balance will help you soar to new heights, just like the bird in the photo above that I happened to catch while out on a walk. Being in balance helps us to see the big picture even more clearly and find even more sources of inspiration.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Why Celebrate Full Moons?


Why Celebrate Full Moons?

Once a month, there is a shift in the world that we can all witness with our own eyes. As we gaze up at the sky at night we can watch the moon emerge from the dark into fullness and then fade again into darkness and this cycle happens every 4 weeks.

Each full moon has a name that reflects what is happening in the natural world at this time. The Farmers Almanac most often refers to the names that Native Americans gave to the full moons. Other people may refer back to the old European names for them.

So for example the August full moon is referred to as the Green Corn or the Barley Moon, both taking their names from the big staple food crops being harvested this time of year, plus, of course, the melons, peaches and early fruits like berries. The Harvest Moon is always the name for the full moon in September, and that is when we get the winter squash, pumpkins, apples, grapes, nuts, and root vegetables. The October full moon is the Hunter's Moon, the time when meat and firewood were stored for winter. Harvests are done in stages, and many of our goals are accomplished in stages.

In the spring, there are 3 consecutive full moons when we are preparing for the spring planting season. In the fall there are 2 consecutive full moons that refer to the harvest season.

Why would we care about these things if we are not gardeners or farmers? We take note of them because metaphorically, we are always sewing seeds for things that we want to have grow in our life and we always take time to give thanks for all the good things we have harvested in our life.

For example, looking for a new home, new job or new partner would be seeds we are planting and nurturing. When we get the new home, job or partner, we would celebrate that harvest. I mention these 3 because these are some of the biggest choices we make. Of course, there can be other big quests too, like new car, new website, successful completion of a health or healing initiative, successful completion of a course, etc.

By keeping in touch with the cycles of nature, we have a prompt about our progress on these big quests that may take longer than a month, but we can evaluate our progress and clarify or reinforce our plans and goals.

How do we do this? How do we do a ritual at the full moon time? You can be very flexible. Just about any method you can come up with will work. You can light a candle and incense and meditate. You can decorate a table with seasonal plants, like tomatoes or peppers from your garden, leaves from the trees,etc.

Or you can display a certificate of completion, or a picture of something you have accomplished, or some other symbol. You could play or sing seasonal music. You could say a prayer. You could make a special drink, such as wine, mead, beer or a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa. Have a bite of a seasonal food. You could make a list of goals or things accomplished. You can thank your spirit guides for all the help they have given you. You can celebrate the full moon in any way you want. Be creative.

When we celebrate a full moon, there is a 3 day window for the best timing. So our full moon for August is tomorrow, Monday, but we can celebrate tonight, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday. You can see how the moon looks full starting tonight even though technically it is tomorrow at 2:26 pm ET. Most of us cannot do things on that precise a schedule, thus, the 3 day window.

Why would we stop and make note of things on a monthly basis? Because it makes sense. Some of the big things we want to accomplish may take all year, or longer, but we can assess if we are on track or need to make adjustments.

Keeping the balance in life is important. Pausing our normal activities for an evening to acknowledge where we are in life is a refreshing note in the middle of a busy schedule. If you are not in the habit of observing full moons, you might find it a very beautiful habit to adapt.

Every year about this time is when the new farmers almanacs and calendars are released. Our ancestors, as well as anyone who works outdoors has used this information for centuries. Not only farmers and gardeners, but hunters fishermen, sailors and others need to be aware of patterns in nature. Not only are there tips for growing your garden, they also have articles about healing herbs, recipes and other practical ideas. They also feature astronomy and astrology, and a pleasant degree of humor, as it says on the cover :)

Are you wondering why the new ones come out at this time of year? Because as we harvest from this year's plantings, we give thought to what we want to plant next year. While we savor the energy of harvest, we also plan ahead. Metaphorically, that still makes sense, doesn't it? What are you completing now and what are you planning next?

Since our bodies are mostly water, the moon moves our tides too. And there are always pages in the almanacs that gives us the best times to do all kinds of things, like start new business and end old business, trim your hair, go camping, cut firewood, or host parties. Working with the cycles of nature produces good results. And finding reasons to celebrate every month keeps us on a positive track.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Learning Curve & Curve


The Learning Curve & Curve

New technology is always coming online so there always seem to be things popping up that need to be updated. It is challenging sometimes when an app you use every day suddenly gets updated and you have to change the way you use it. The learning curve that keeps on curving.

In relatively recent years it has become easier for people to work from home, for artists to sell their work directly to the public, for writers to publish their own book, find your way to new places with a voice guiding your navigation, the way credit card and other types of payments are made, the ability to create and distribute a newsletter like this efficiently and economically.

There had to be changes made to my website and newsletter to adjust to the fact that most searches are now done on phones and tablets.

Now the growing use and popularity of podcasts and videos. As these have been emerging, I have frequently been invited to be interviewed on these kinds of formats. I say yes to everyone who asks. It's fun and a good way to get ideas out there and meet new people.

At first, all of the interviews I did were on audio formats. Now, I have had the opportunity to do two new ones using video. One of them is Light Talk with Dana. Dana Knoetgen has a series of interviews with healers and people engaged in metaphysical and spiritual endeavors. The session I recorded with her is not up yet, but will be this month. Meanwhile you can check out her series and I will let you know when it is posted.

Click on this link to see Dana's You Tube show

The second one was an interview I did with Chris Mathieu for his next documentary Doors of Perception that will be about connections between spirit guides, past lives, near death experiences, contact experiences, shamanic journeys, dream states and meditation.

His previous documentary Occult Louisiana can be seen for free on You Tube, so this link will take you right to the trailer for this.

The session we recorded will be part of the next movie, not the last one. He expects it to be available by November or December. I will let you know when that one is done. But you can see Chris's earlier work by clicking this link.

Click on this link to see the movie trailer on You Tube

Enjoy the videos and if you are interested in doing a podcast or video or anything like this feel free to ask me because I always say Yes!

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Creating Higher Vibrations


Creating Higher Vibrations

Next month, August 9-11, there will be a weekend of sacred chant, and if you have never participated in such a thing, the music itself transforms and uplifts the spirits of those who are there. So when I found out about this event, I felt like it was a good way to spend the weekend of my birthday. Music all weekend. What a great way to celebrate!

I will be there offering reiki healing and readings for people who are in attendance who might also feel that they flow of the music is opening the flow to other energies, and combine healing with live music. I will be sharing the tent with McKenna DeRue, who apprenticed with me for a full year. There is a photo of us below. McKenna now has her own practice, but we thought it would be fun to do our work in the midst of waves of music and in festival settings it can be fun to share the space. The web address is listed above to get a look at the complete program of events.

One of the joys of an event like this is that you can experience chant from many different traditions, so you can discover new music as well as old familiar sounds. In addition to vocal harmonies, there will also be sessions with singing bowls, flutes and drums, so you can experience the joys of sound in various ways that all contribute to healing and peace of mind.

Music has always been part of my life. I have played in bands, led drumming circles, sung in various chant circles and done shamanic drumming to help people access spiritual visions, as well as guided meditations.

In all of these forms, I have found that music can open up pathways to other dimensions. Traditions all over the world have developed music for spiritual practices and this event will let a person sample a lot of different kinds in one place, in one weekend. We all have favorite music and types of sounds, and we can enjoy that while also experiencing something new and different. And that can lead to adding something new to your own spiritual practices.

These kinds of music are for everyone to participate in, rather than going somewhere to watch others perform. One of the magnificent things about this is that a person can let go of any feeling of not being the best singer. It is when all those present join in together that a beautiful bigger sound is created. I have seen people who had thoughts about themselves not having a good singing voice let go of those thoughts and have fun joining in making a joyful sound.

The organizer of the event is Kimberly Braun, who is on the board of IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies, who I met a several years ago when I volunteered to help at their annual national conference). She is offering a discount to those of you reading this newsletter. Ticket sales are through Eventbrite. Here is the code:


For a 15% discount.

In many spiritual traditions hearing is the sense that is closest to spirit, so that is why music is universally used as a tool to communicate with spirit.

Another saying is that when we are praying, we are talking to spirit and when we meditate, we are listening to spirit. So when we are singing in a chant circle we are both singing and listening at the same time, in alternating waves. Notice how chant uses call and response rounds to do this.

A saying in some African traditions is that the three things spirit likes best are drumming, dancing and singing.

Listening opens up new ways to experience music and the music brings us new messages from spirit.

I can tell you from having done a lot of this that you will find yourself enveloped in a very special feeling from having participated feeling that the music has enlivened and energized your entire being. I have sung with a number of the presenters on this program in years past, and they are excellent singers, musicians and leaders.

What new messages could you get from spirit by adding more music to your life? Use a tool that you always have with you. Discover the magic in your own voice.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Seeing in the Dark


Seeing in the Dark, Part 2

My last article prompted a request for clarification from a couple of readers, so here it is.

Shamanism is as old as humanity, and from the beginning, shamans have used both psychedelic stimulants, such as herbs and mushrooms, and sound as tools for spiritual journeys.

What is a recent development is that Colorado now recognizes psychedelic assisted therapy as a legal business, and by all accounts this is a method that is helpful to many people for healing. I mentioned that for only one simple reason. Since that is a new development, it is getting a lot of attention to the subject of shamanic journeying and healing.

That prompted me to think of a healng practice that I had not done for a while, shamanic journeying. Both methods are shamanic methods, just different. Shamanic journeying helps many people find peace, healing and guidance from spirit that are not psychedelic assisted.

The method I use, which is shamanic journeys driven by drum beats or shaking rattles are simple, repetitious beats, the rhythm itself propelling the journey. The beats are not songs or attempts to make music in the ordinary sense. The beats form steps, like staircases, which the listener can follow into different dimensions to meet spirit guides, ancestors, past lives, animal totems and get information and healing messages through these visions encountered on the journey.

The drumming or rattling themselves are done without any other type of musical accompaniment or spoken words. That sonic pathway is short and intense in duration, lasting from 15- 30 minutes. Immediately following the sound participants return to present consciousness to discuss what they experienced and we help them get clear meanings and messages from these experiences.

So let us say that a group wants to get together and experience this type of shamanic journey. By the time we do one round with the drum and one round with the rattle, with discussions in between, that would comprise about a 3 hour session. Perhaps 4 hours if the group is larger, just to give you an idea of a time frame.

During the session, only the leader is doing the drumming or rattling while all the journeyers are reclining. When the sound stops, the leader then facilitates the discussions among all the journeyers to derive the most value from their experience. The leader can help identify additional meanings and messages from the journeys through the recognition of symbols and guidance from spirit.

At the present time, my home office is not adequate to host such group activities, so it will be necessary to do them in the homes of the host journeyers.

The photo above shows the tools I use to conduct the shamanic journeys; smudge, fan, drum and rattle.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!