Thursday, July 4, 2024

Seeing in the Dark


Seeing in the Dark, Part 2

My last article prompted a request for clarification from a couple of readers, so here it is.

Shamanism is as old as humanity, and from the beginning, shamans have used both psychedelic stimulants, such as herbs and mushrooms, and sound as tools for spiritual journeys.

What is a recent development is that Colorado now recognizes psychedelic assisted therapy as a legal business, and by all accounts this is a method that is helpful to many people for healing. I mentioned that for only one simple reason. Since that is a new development, it is getting a lot of attention to the subject of shamanic journeying and healing.

That prompted me to think of a healng practice that I had not done for a while, shamanic journeying. Both methods are shamanic methods, just different. Shamanic journeying helps many people find peace, healing and guidance from spirit that are not psychedelic assisted.

The method I use, which is shamanic journeys driven by drum beats or shaking rattles are simple, repetitious beats, the rhythm itself propelling the journey. The beats are not songs or attempts to make music in the ordinary sense. The beats form steps, like staircases, which the listener can follow into different dimensions to meet spirit guides, ancestors, past lives, animal totems and get information and healing messages through these visions encountered on the journey.

The drumming or rattling themselves are done without any other type of musical accompaniment or spoken words. That sonic pathway is short and intense in duration, lasting from 15- 30 minutes. Immediately following the sound participants return to present consciousness to discuss what they experienced and we help them get clear meanings and messages from these experiences.

So let us say that a group wants to get together and experience this type of shamanic journey. By the time we do one round with the drum and one round with the rattle, with discussions in between, that would comprise about a 3 hour session. Perhaps 4 hours if the group is larger, just to give you an idea of a time frame.

During the session, only the leader is doing the drumming or rattling while all the journeyers are reclining. When the sound stops, the leader then facilitates the discussions among all the journeyers to derive the most value from their experience. The leader can help identify additional meanings and messages from the journeys through the recognition of symbols and guidance from spirit.

At the present time, my home office is not adequate to host such group activities, so it will be necessary to do them in the homes of the host journeyers.

The photo above shows the tools I use to conduct the shamanic journeys; smudge, fan, drum and rattle.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 20, 2024

Bee-coming Confident


Bee-coming Confident

Why is it so hard for many of us to be self confident in our abilities?

Sometimes the answer may be simple. Often it can be simple trial and error that builds it.

Perhaps the first time we tried a new technique, we hesitated to put our full energy into the effort and so we came up short. A confident person has more energy in their work.

Or perhaps we had a difficult client and it was a frustrating experience.

For these kinds of cases, we simply need to reflect on our knowledge, training and experience and that reminds us that we do have the tools, and we just need to practice with them more. We have to remind ourselves that by doing our best every day, it is certain that we will get better at what we are doing. People who love what they do always find better ways to do it.

Take a look at the bees going from flower to flower. Why do you think that they stay longer on one blossom than another? Because they are getting more out of one than another.

The bee just keeps on going doing its work until it has successfully gathered a load of pollen. It doesn't consider not being a bee because the last place it landed didn't have anything to offer. It just keeps on going.

When we practice something that we want to learn, we have to practice many times in order to become excellent. And that practice helps us build our confidence.

What would be another reason why we don't give ourselves the credit we deserve?

Some of us may have been brought up by people who underestimated our abilities, but then it took time for us to break free of that limited thought. Remember, that person's opinion is what held us back, not a lack of ability. If they told us that we weren't good enough, that was just their opinion.

It may also be that we have not focused on our best areas.

When I was in high school classes that I did not like and did not relate to, I did not do well. I graduated high school in the bottom quarter of my class. But then when I got into college and was able to focus my attention on subjects that I liked, I was able to make the dean's list and earn a scholarship! Quite a turnaround, eh?

I have met many others who had similar experiences. Clients who have children in school observe these same developments. Once they could focus their attention and energies on a subject they really cared about they became excellent.

Remember, where your thoughts go, your energies go. So for those people, perhaps they have simply not found a subject or technique that really lights their fire.

Even with subjects you really love, practice involving trial and error, is the path to excellence. As as professional writer, we learn that rewriting and editing are essential for taking an idea and expressing it as well as it can be said. Yes, sometimes a thought expresses itself perfectly on the first try, but that is more the exception than the rule.

Another way that we get in our own way is when we choose from fear rather than love.

How does that show up in our lives?

When we are reluctant to let go of a relationship that is not working well, and has no prospect for getting better because our partner is unwilling to make any changes, we hold ourselves back. A thought that often accompanies that action is when we think we need to stick with them because we might not get a better offer.

Of course, that is not true. Getting out of a relationship that is not working is best for us. We are not going to get better offers as long as we are stuck in a lousy relationship. We need to free ourselves up to be available to meet someone better.

The same applies to work. How many times have we thought about applying for a different job or starting our own business, but we fear that the employer will not pick us for that position or that our new business idea will fail. But if we do not try, we will never know.

Starting our own business requires a lot of hustle. We have to focus our energies on achieving our goals. Sometimes a person with a new idea will find quick success, but more often we have to work at it for a while to rise up to the next level.

When I expanded my business from part time to full time, which is a very common path, I had other part time work to keep the cash flow going until I was able to support myself with no other side jobs and now things keep moving and growing at a steady pace.

By the way, this is my second full time owner operated business. My first was as a freelance writer, and the same principles applied to that one too.

Back when I first considered doing this, I wondered if I was good enough to make a living at it, because all my experience was doing free readings for anyone who wanted them, just to see what would happen. Then I got up the courage to go for it, and I am happy that I did. I have seen that same exact concern arise in people I have taught and others who are new. They have doubts at the beginning, and as they practice, the doubts disappear.

At the beginning, we have to give ourselves that vote of confidence in order to go forward with our desires. Remember, if we don't have confidence in ourselves, no one else will either.

When a new vision or a new idea presents itself, and it keeps coming back to us, that is our spirit guides prompting and encouraging us. Then our thoughts require action in order to become real. We exert our will along with our desires, and thank our spirit guides for helping us.

It is only courage when we really put our heart into it and proceed even in the face of a doubt or fear. We are worth that, aren't we?

Notice the bees. They keep on going until they get what they need. That is the sweetness in life.

By the way, the photo is from my backyard. Everyone who comes to my office passes by these beautiful flowers. Stop and smell. Be the bee.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Companion Plantings


Companion Plantings

Gardeners know that certain plants always grow well together, and these are called companion plants. An example that is commonly known are tomatoes and basil. Not only do they grow well together, they also enhance each others flavor when we eat them together.

Think of potatoes and onions, peppers and onions, peppers and tomatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. Rosemary and thyme, bergamot and lemon balm, comfrey, lavender and feverfew, sweet peas and zucchini. Examples of things that grow well together and work well together.

By the way, this picture is me playing with vegetables in our kitchen. This is a small sample from last year's garden.

Think for a moment about the companion people we have in our life.

What if we think of our life as a garden, growing what we plant? What we are harvesting is what we planted and nurtured.

What if we look at our body, not as a machine, as some people say, but rather as a garden? What grows within us physically and mentally is what we have been nurturing.

Some companions contrast with us or compliment us, rather than being just the same.

Just like when you have a large garden, you might choose to grow whole rows of the same thing, but with a smaller garden, where you have to make the most of your space, it is practical and fun to work with companion plants.

Kind of like the difference in work places. Some businesses need to have a lot of people doing the same thing, while others work best with everyone in the group doing something different.

When I say companions, that means friends, peers, neighbors, acquaintances, a variety of people.

During the growth phases of our life, it may often be those people who add a little spice to our life, and it may be that bit of spice that spurs growth and new tastes.

How is your companion garden going?

Even if you are not a gardener, there are seeds you are growing in your garden of life. Are you inspired by what is growing there or who is growing there?

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Hearty Resilience


Hearty Resilience

Last night and tonight, out in the yard, there was both a full moon in view and an owl. The moon will still be full tomorrow. The owl is living in a tree just behind us, and it was beautiful to watch with binoculars, but can't get a good photo with the phone camera, so the owl illustration is from The Spirit Animal Oracle by Collette Baron-Reid.

Spirit often uses nature to send us messages. The owl is about the wisdom we gain from seeing clearly. The owl sees clearly even in the darkest night.

Great analogy. At the times of our darkest moments, our challenges coming to grips with our darker aspects that this becomes perfectly timely. This applies to all of our challenges.

Example. 24 years ago, I had a heart attack, brought on by my own lack of attention to what I was eating and drinking, and a lack of regular exercise.

Being a wordsmith, I am amused by the fact that today doctors and nurses don't use that word any more. They say I had an event. And event, eh? Sounds like I had a ticket to the circus. Well it sure was a bizarre circus. Fortunately, I got a curtain call after that performance, meaning I got another chance to go again.

Spirit sent me a message through one of the nurses while I was still in ICU before they could transfer me to a hospital that did heart surgery, that it was not my time to go yet.

Yes, the doctors, nurses and technicians did a great job on my surgery. More importantly, I changed my habits, and as a result, have had no more events of that kind. Those who do not change their habits after such events have more events of that kind until they finish out.

As exciting as that was, I have been paying attention to what I consume and exercise every day. I also have some quiet time to get grounded every day and meditate before I start seeing anyone or making any calls. As a result, I am in better shape now than I was 24 years ago. We don't have to get worse as we get older. We can get better and maintain it for a long while before we are worn out.

Why would these thoughts pop up now? Because it was about this time of year when these things happened. It was also at this time of year that my father had his event, only they didn't call it an event back then, nor did they have the surgeries or medicines that they did by the time I had my event.

Being conscious of making positive changes in my life is part of my daily processes. Whenever I make a mistake, I correct myself so that I do not make the same mistakes again. I always do my best for each person who calls on me, and since there is an endless variety of who is calling and what they need, there are always new twists in the business of helpng people.

Perhaps you have heard the old definition of stupidity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. See clearly. What needs to change?

Since I mentioned the moon, in some traditions, this is called the Hare Moon, a reference to fertility and abundance. Last month was the Seed Moon, where we had given thought to what we want to have grow in our life this season.

Since planting season is late out here, compared to back east, some of us may be later starting as well. Better late than never!

What an appropriate reminder from nature, from spirit, this evening, about shining light in the dark places, and making changes so that this season is even more abundant than the last.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Feeling Foolish?


Feeling Foolish?

April Fool's Day originated in times when people loved to play jokes on each other as sort of a fun way to welcome in spring, because as we have experienced, often weather fools us as we move from winter into spring.

Practical jokes and mischief are played to provoke laughter and humor. It was originally a holiday dedicated to the Roman goddess Cybele, whose blessing they invoked for a fertile planting season, and Hilaria was a holiday for being cheerful and merry, from which we get the word hilarious. Games, masquerades, mocking and jokes were the spirit of the time. 

Hilarity and humor are attitudes that help us keep our sanity and balance our energies in stressful times. And who among us could not use a little more lightness in our lives? Research in recent years has proven that laughter can help boost the immune system, as do music and love. That is why I frequently use humor when I am talking with you. Humor is a great way to illustrate an idea and make a memorable point.

Another aspect being foolish is that often when we are trying something new or different, people might say that we are being foolish. However, it is good for us to remember that this is simply their opinion at this time.

How many of you have had someone wonder if you are just being foolish because you quit your previous employment to start your own business? Or they wonder how such a silly idea could become a real business?

The photo above is from one of my favorite tarot artists, Ciro Marchetti. What he did in his deck Tarot of Dreams is to make the Fool the beginning and ending cards in the majors for this deck. By bringing the Fool back into the center of the World card, he is showing us how what some might consider foolish behavior can lead to great success. Sort of another take on the old saying that great journeys begin with a single step.

Some people think that the Fool is the lowest card in the deck because he is numbered 0. And some people think that he is the highest card in the deck and position it in the end position among the major cards because they feel that the Fool is the only character who knows that he does not know everything. On his life journey, he learns all the major lessons: love, justice, overcoming obstacles, kindness, mentors, teachers, birth, death, honesty, family, friends, prosperity, health. And as long as we live, as long as we are on this Fool's Journey, our whole life, we always have more lessons to learn.

People used to say that a person who would leave home and venture out in the world was foolish because they might encounter dangers and unknown challenges and difficulties. Throughout history, it was common for people to spend their entire lives within 20 miles of the place where they were born.

Of course, the person on the Fool's journey is one who enjoys meeting new people, seeing new places and trying new things.

For this reason, many people call the major arcana cards from the tarot the story of the Fool's Journey through life because these cards contain all our important life lessons.

So take the opportunity to reflect on your journey through life this April Fool's Day. What are the things you have done that you thought were foolish?

And what were the things you have done that other people thought were foolish?

How did these things turn out? Which ones were stupid mistakes, and which ones proved to be strokes of genius?

That foolish feeling may be leading into your next big adventure. That foolish feeling may lead to setting off on a new path, expanding your life experience and your future prospects.

Are you feeling foolish today?

Happy April Fool's Day!

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Ancestral Energies


Ancestral Energies

One of the reasons to think about ancestral energies is to find out more about where we came from and what sorts of things we may have inherited.

When people use the DNA swab to research their family history, they find out about possible hereditary health issues, info about the different parts of us that came from different cultures and ethnic groups.

Of course, in life we may have inherited things from our ancestors such as furniture, jewelry or property. And these may contain mysteries as well.

I remember a company party where they had hired me to do rune readings for their guests. One woman came to my table, looked at the runes and her jaw dropped. She asked me what they were. She said that jewelry and furniture that she had inherited had runes all over them, but no one in her family ever talked to her about what the signs meant. What do we lose when the stories are not told to the next generation? What effect does that have on what we know and who we are?

How many of us have things like that in our family that no one ever talked about? What kind of questions have popped into our minds as we thought about our families and how things came to be as we know them?

When we think about what we may have inherited, it is not only property and DNA. What about ideas, attitudes, behaviors and principles have we inherited?

All of that is part of who we are. Certainly, we can change these things if we choose to, but first we bring them to present consciousness.

Many of us have done such things in the course of choosing partners and careers that differed from our family's expectations of us.

One of the tools for exploring such things are Past Life Regressions. It is a way to find out more about ourselves. Usually important things that surface in past life recalls include the talents, skills and abilities we have in our present life as well as fears or phobias. Recapping our session helps us see the patterns in these things that influence and shape our present life.

In this way, we can clear some of those ancient influences that we wish to clear.

Another way of working with ancestral energies is when we are communicating with our spirit guides. I find that often, ancestors turn up as spirit guides, the same way that people often identify someone who they knew and loved in this lifetime who has already crossed over is staying with them as a spirit guide.

In the case energies in our self that we want to disconnect from, reiki healing can help do that.

In the case of energies in our home that we want to clear, house blessings can do that.

What are the things you want to know? What are the energies you want to align with?

Remember, none of us would be here now if our ancestors had not been successful in doing what it takes to survive.

Our early ancestors did not have any guide books to help them figure out what to do. It was a combination of gut instinct and what they learned from the world around them. Their focus on observing what was going on around them, such as the behavior of animals and plants, as well as other people, gave them clues about what was safe to eat or good for healing, which way to go and which people to bring closer and which people to avoid.

In other words, paying attention to their gut instincts, which is intuition, and psychic input they picked up through their third eye, is how they aligned with their guidance. And it is these same factors that guide us today. Tuning into these sources of guidance caused our ancestors to be more psychic and intuitive than many give them credit for being. Think about navigating your way through this world the way they had to navigate to survive.

DNA has excited and intrigued many people to find out more about themselves that way. What else can you perceive or would you like to learn about in addition to that?

Our own stories illuminate our path in life. These are ways to turn on the lights and see more about where we are going.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Thank you, Krissi for suggesting this topic.

Have a wonderful day!