Friday, July 25, 2008

Things We Don't Know

The release of the new "X-Files" movie may or may not be of interest to you, but the essence behind it relates to an important topic: all the things we don't know. That is the real reason why the TV series by the same name was wildly popular back in the 90s. We would like reasonable explanations for phenomenal events.

Conspiracy theories of all types appeal to our imaginations simply because of all the things we don't know. Most people, for example, do believe that there is a high probability of life on other planets. Yet, the government never officially admits to the presence of anything out there beside weather balloons that have gone astray. If you have seen aerial photos of crop circles, can you really believe that you can duplicate those geometric designs by dragging boards around on ropes in the dark?

If there were ever ETs or UFOs that were captured, why wouldn't they tell us? Some people say they could be using advanced technology from other planets to give us the edge over other nations in terms of military superiority. Maybe, maybe not.

Think of this. The arrival of another technologically superior civilization would be as devastating to us as European settlers were to the life and culture of the Native Americans. But then again, if they were here, with such a technological edge, they could have already taken over.

People have come forward over the years, and you can see specials about them on the History Channel and such places, who show pretty convincing stories about UFO encounters. How much of this is true, and how much is not? I don't know. But the refusal of government and military authorities to discuss these things openly leaves all this ground of the unknown in between, which is the fertile space in which conspiracy theories take root.

If we were to consider all those other things which we don't know that have given rise to theories, we would find similar patterns. The space between what we know and what we don't know is very rich indeed.

Whether the subject is Atlantis, Bigfoot, Bilderbergers or whatever. There are many strange things that have happened in our world and in our lifetimes that are just bizarre that do have explanations, and those things too, are mystifying.

It is our desire for a sense of order in the universe and in our lives that causes us to want an exact explanation for everything. When we cannot find hard evidence, constructing conspiracy theories fills in the gaps. Besides, conspiracy theories make just as riveting an entertainment as a good mystery, crime story or suspense movie.

It could be that there are things we will never understand, and some things we will only know later. Much later.

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