Friday, October 16, 2009

New Moon on Sunday

With the new moon on Sunday, we have an opportunity to launch our new ventures so that we are working with the natural energies of the moon. New moons signal a time for new beginnings, so whether it is a new business, a new relationship, new health initiatives or new projects that you are serious about getting going, this is the time.

What are your heart's desires? Not just the little things, I mean the things you really want? Are you willing to clear the way and take the initiative? Is it time to make a short list of the things you really want and go for it?

As the moon unsheaths from its fertile dark period and begins her ascent to fullness, we reveal our heart's desires to the world and let our light shine.

So take the time to create your own personal ritual to signify the way you want the world to see you, to uncover what it is you want to hold up to the light and bring into fullness. Our dreams do not always come true immediately and completely, but we can work on bringing them into being with persistent effort, stage by stage, just like the moon cycles work stage by stage.

New moon, new ideas, new initiatives, emboldened desires, time to move on them. We have many opportunities to begin again. This is one of them.

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