Saturday, November 14, 2009

Music for Bold Behavior

This evening, one of the pieces the symphony played was "Fanfare for the Common Man" by Aaron Copeland. To me, there is something very rousing, exciting and inspiring about this music. Every time I hear it, the sensation that engulfs me is one of uplifted energy.

One explanation for this effect is found in the title itself. The celebratory brass motif is intended to call to ther brave, creative spirit of each one of us. What he is saying to each of us is that we are all capable of greatness and bold achievements, that rising to the occasion, going above and beyond, are not just within the reach of special people, that majestic feats are not reserved only for certain ones, but rather, within the grasp of all of us. His sounds inspire me to reach. Another word that comes to mind is compelling.

If you cannot call this piece to mind, try this. It has been used frequently as a theme music in broadcasts of the Olympic Games.

We all have our own favorite pieces of music. What pieces of music do you find uplifting and inspiring? Would it work as well if you played it more frequently? Perhaps it would be good to play the music that uplifts us and calls to our spirit, and inspires us to pursue our goals with fierce determination on a regular basis. What do you think? Is this something you do?

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