Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tarot Healing

Tarot readings can also be healing although people don't always connect those two things. As a Reiki Master, I also put healing energy into the readings I do for people. I affirm before every reading and every healing that I am here to help bring through something that will be useful for this person at this time.

So whether a person is shown in the reading various energies that are moving in their life, they can then identify problems that need to be addressed and opportunities that are present.

When a reading confirms things they already know, that reassurance brings a supportive energy.

Sometimes identifying something that they had been overlooking that had been at the root of the problem is healing because now they can turn their attention to what needs to be addressed. People often overlook those factors that are hidden in plain sight.

Looking ahead in a reading, there is a healing energy coming through to the person to support them as they make their choices. Energy to bless them as they go on their way. Energy that is for their healing, no matter what choices they make.

I also remind people that they can pull cards out of a deck and place them where they will see them to support them in their efforts. Simply choose the images that tell the story of your success, in whatever way you are seeking or defining. It is a positive reinforcement, and a person can draw healing energy from the images. Visuals are a tool for transmitting healing energy.

Energy flows where vision goes.

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