Thursday, December 7, 2017

Partnership with Inner and Outer Lights

As we clean up and decorate for the holidays, this is a time of renewal and creating a new vision for our lives. December is a perfect time to review, to let go of that which needs to be cleared out and new openings created for the light to shine on our lives. Light is essential for vision, and clear vision opens our perception to new sources of light.
How so? As we wind up our calendar year, we review what we have done during the past year and give thought to the people and events we want to continue to have in our life during the coming year.  
When we go through a cupboard, closet, cabinet or other storage space, it is amazing how often we find things that we no longer use, even though at an earlier time, we used these things a lot. These are telltale signs of how much our life has changed. And sometimes we may not have had this clear realization without the physical effort. So in cleaning, we are able to make room for what we plan to do next.
During cleaning, it is common to find things that we bought duplicates of because we could not find the first item, so now we have two of them. Seeing this also sharpens our vision. In the same way, as we go through our books or clothing we come face to face with the realization that some of the things we would still say are important to us we have not acted on or used in a few years. When this is the case, then we need to decide whether we will use these things again or clear them out and simply being faced with this decision presents us with the opportunity for growth. 

In the same way that we need to let go of clothing that no longer fits, we let go of thoughts, ideas, practices and habits that no longer fit.
This is our opportunity to start fresh, to open the way for new light to illuminate the next stage of our path. This self examination is valuable. 

As we decorate our space for the holidays, we are welcoming in the return of the light, both literally and symbolically. What can we do next that will shed the greatest light on our path? Yes, we welcome old and new friends in for the holidays, and at the same time as we review what we have done this past year, we look forward to what we really feel inspired to do during this next year. 

2017 was a year of new beginnings for us, and 2018 will be a year during which the partnerships we will form and those we have formed will help us move forward in life. 

New partnerships can be powerful allies. When we are learning new concepts and practices, study partners, practice partners, workout partners and romantic partners, that often provides valuable reinforcement and encouragement. 

The energy of the year ahead will emphasize our partnerships. If we have been wanting a new one, this will be a good year to form one. 

It is always good to express gratitude for the partnerships we have had and make note of the lessons we have learned from them. Doing this will help us build even stronger and more efficient partnerships next time.

So as we bask in the beauty of all the seasonal lights, think of all the ways we can light up our lives more. What can we do different or better from this day forward? How can we light up our lives so that there is more joy and enlightenment both for ourselves and our partners?

I am always happy to hear from you, whether you would like to make an appointment for a session or you just want to let me know how you are doing. I love it when you keep in touch. 

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