Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Learning Curve & Curve


The Learning Curve & Curve

New technology is always coming online so there always seem to be things popping up that need to be updated. It is challenging sometimes when an app you use every day suddenly gets updated and you have to change the way you use it. The learning curve that keeps on curving.

In relatively recent years it has become easier for people to work from home, for artists to sell their work directly to the public, for writers to publish their own book, find your way to new places with a voice guiding your navigation, the way credit card and other types of payments are made, the ability to create and distribute a newsletter like this efficiently and economically.

There had to be changes made to my website and newsletter to adjust to the fact that most searches are now done on phones and tablets.

Now the growing use and popularity of podcasts and videos. As these have been emerging, I have frequently been invited to be interviewed on these kinds of formats. I say yes to everyone who asks. It's fun and a good way to get ideas out there and meet new people.

At first, all of the interviews I did were on audio formats. Now, I have had the opportunity to do two new ones using video. One of them is Light Talk with Dana. Dana Knoetgen has a series of interviews with healers and people engaged in metaphysical and spiritual endeavors. The session I recorded with her is not up yet, but will be this month. Meanwhile you can check out her series and I will let you know when it is posted.

Click on this link to see Dana's You Tube show

The second one was an interview I did with Chris Mathieu for his next documentary Doors of Perception that will be about connections between spirit guides, past lives, near death experiences, contact experiences, shamanic journeys, dream states and meditation.

His previous documentary Occult Louisiana can be seen for free on You Tube, so this link will take you right to the trailer for this.

The session we recorded will be part of the next movie, not the last one. He expects it to be available by November or December. I will let you know when that one is done. But you can see Chris's earlier work by clicking this link.

Click on this link to see the movie trailer on You Tube

Enjoy the videos and if you are interested in doing a podcast or video or anything like this feel free to ask me because I always say Yes!

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!

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