Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Fireside Chats


Fireside Chats

See the dragons coming out to play in the fire? Maybe you see the chess piece, the knight, which looks like a horse. Maybe you see a witch with a pointy hat with her arms raised. Maybe you see a person with a walking stick and their dog is laying by their feet. Whole stories can unfold with the flickering of the flames. Each time a log is turned, a different picture is formed.

After we get a fire going in the fireplace, the fire is our friend. It warms us and lights our vision. I like to meditate with the fire.

When fire is out of control, it destroys, but when it is contained in a stove or fireplace, we create. We cook, we warm ourselves, we appreciate the gift of the element of fire. Enjoying peaceful moments just gazing at the fire is a great way to relax. It is when we relax that spirit likes to plant new ideas in our mind.

Relaxing in a way that lets our mind drift brings us into a meditative state. There are many ways to meditate, and this is one of them.

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, used to get up and take walks while he was working out his ideas. Yes, visionary technology arose from simply talking walks and talking about it.

Now that trees are letting go of leaves we can see farther in the woods. Like trees, when we let go of some old ideas, or old perspectives, we can see more.

Simply taking a walk can help us stimulate our mind, get new ideas. Fresh air and simple, natural movements bring fresh thoughts.

The spirit of the season brings thoughts of trees, colorful leaves, sitting my the fireplace with a cup of coffee or tea. The spirit of the season brings clarity.

The spirit of the season is about savoring the joy of the harvest, the warmth of the fire, the simple pleasure of taking a walk and admiring the natural changes we see all around us. We are in the season of leaf peepers and pumpkin pie flavors.

Yes, I love watching the leaves turn color, and I prefer my pumpkin pie flavor to stay in my pumpkin pie, thank you, not my coffee or beer. Amazing how many things are now made to taste like pumpkin pie. I know that a lot of other people like it or they wouldn't be making it, and that's ok. Pumpkins are fine with me. I enjoy eating it just like other winter squashes, baked, and served with butter and salt.

In these ways, I am a person of simple tastes.

If you are a person who thinks of themselves as having a hard time meditating, try these things and see how it works for you.

Savor the season with a walk in the day and a fireside chat in the evening.

I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!

If any of you has any idea you would like me to include in my newsletters, I will consider all suggestions.

Have a wonderful day!