Sunday, February 8, 2009

Energy Exchanges with Friends

Do visits from your friends, whether in person or by phone, leave you feeling tired and downbeat, or do you feel enlivened and energized after you spend time with them?

This may seem a simple question, but think of how fundamental it is that our everyday interactions with people affect our overall energy level.

Good friends will cheer us on and encourage us. They explore a free exchange of dialogue and inspire the sharing of new ideas and deep desires. In these ways, they help motivate and support us in our efforts.

Then there are people who like to hang around with us, but when we finish with them, we feel like we need to take a nap, or we need to do something to sharply refocus our energy elsewhere. There are friends who make us feel like we wished we had spent our time doing something else.

Consider the energy exchange when we interact with people. Choose to spend more time with those who are uplifting and encouraging. They are good for your spirits, and excellent companions. True friends would probably report back that you have the same effect on them. Choose your friends carefully. In this way, we can help each other out through difficult times, and we can inspire each other to do more than just get by.

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