Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Fool's Journey


The Fool's Journey

Let's stop and consider what it means to be foolish for a moment, because we have all had foolish moments in our lives.
How often do we look back at our lives and recognize how some of the steps or missteps we have made on our journey was the catalyst for a big development?
Do we connect the dots easily in our stories?
Remember the times when you wanted to try a new idea and other people in your life thought what you were doing was foolish?
Maybe it was. Then again, maybe it turned out to be brilliant and you found success. One of the keys to understanding the Fool is to realize that the fool wants to be on their journey which will involve both inner and outer travel as they follow their path.
One of the concepts for learning life lessons offered in the major cards is often titled The Fool's Journey. As we meditate on the pictures in the major arcana cards, life lessons of all kinds from spirit to love to justice to restrictions to nurturing to death to karma are mirrored in our own lives. They say that the Fool is numbered at zero because he can be both the highest and the lowest card in the deck. The Fool is the only character who is wise enough to know that he does not know everything.
If you have a deck of cards at home, look at the major cards again, meditating on each one in order. What do you see by looking at these images? Do you recognize how sometimes you feel foolish and stupid for something you said or did, while at other times, those risks you took turned out to be a brilliant move? Can you tell the difference in those feelings? Do you have the self confidence to continue on your journey even when others call you foolish?
These two cards in this picture are from Ciro Marchetti's Tarot of Dreams. I love some of the changes he made in this deck. What you see in these two images are the way he perfectly bookended the major arcana with the Fool's Journey. The character who begins the journey ends the journey surrounded by the elements of earth, air, fire and water, which also represent our 4 bodies, mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. The fool has gone far, and has reaped rewards and he still has more to learn.
One of the first moves a person could make was wandering away from their home. In response to the question of How could you leave, the fool simply answers that they want to see what else is out there, or who else is out there.
Another example of when someone may think we are foolish is when we leave one career path to get on a different one.
Or someone may think we are foolish when we ended one relationship to get into another one. We know the truth when we see the results of our choices. In your journey from the beginning to experiencing more in the world, notice how when all 4 of our bodies are in balance, we make great progress, results go our way and we have much to be grateful for? The fool grows because of his willingness to take the journey.
The Fool's Journey applies to all of us. We are all fools in some ways as we journey through life. Notice which of your foolish moves were a mess and which ones were great. What can we learn from what we have done? Where will that lead us next?
I always love hearing from you, so if you feel like sending me a note, calling or coming to see me, please do!
Have a wonderful day!

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