Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tarot Meditation on Wands & Swords

These two suits are confusing to some people because different designers attach different meanings to the symbols. Here is a way to think about the difference. Who wields a sword? Who carries a staff? The sword is about the use of intellect and will power. Warriors charge into battle, hacking away at the opposition. Now sometimes we do have to fight for self defense or to stand up for our rights. The person with the sword can be decisive when their mind is clear, but too much mental activity can cloud judgment, leading to jeaousy, anger, heartbreak, and fighting that is not necessary.

Wands, staffs, rods, scepters are all symbols of wisdom and authority. These are all variables of the suit according to different designers as well. Who is usually seen with these? Wise elders, bishops, kings, queens, martial arts masters. Passion, wisdom and creativity are indicated. It takes time, effort, creativity and the wisdom gained through life experience to achieve a position of genuine authority and trust. Authority won through force alone is never as well loved, enduring, or desirable.

So ask yourself what causes are at the root of issues when you see a lot of swords or a lot of wands in the cards you draw. Is it time to pick up your sword and spring into action, clearing away the clutter, obstacles and opposition, putting an end to events or relationships or situations that need to be brought to an end? Is it time to reawaken more passion, creativity, and inspiration in your life? Time to rouse your spirit with quests, adventures, passionate expressions and creative endeavors that spark the imagination and expand your vision?

What is it time for wands or swords? Swords or wands?

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